Results for 'Larissa M. E. Hendriks'

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  1.  17
    Highly Recommended? How Relation-Specific Attachment Styles Bias Customers Willingness to Recommend.Willem J. M. I. Verbeke, Maarten J. Gijsenberg, Larissa M. E. Hendriks, Jelle T. Bouma & Linda H. Teunter - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Combining Gamma With Alpha and Beta Power Modulation for Enhanced Cortical Mapping in Patients With Focal Epilepsy.Mario E. Archila-Meléndez, Giancarlo Valente, Erik D. Gommer, João M. Correia, Sanne ten Oever, Judith C. Peters, Joel Reithler, Marc P. H. Hendriks, William Cornejo Ochoa, Olaf E. M. G. Schijns, Jim T. A. Dings, Danny M. W. Hilkman, Rob P. W. Rouhl, Bernadette M. Jansma, Vivianne H. J. M. van Kranen-Mastenbroek & Mark J. Roberts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    About one third of patients with epilepsy have seizures refractory to the medical treatment. Electrical stimulation mapping is the gold standard for the identification of “eloquent” areas prior to resection of epileptogenic tissue. However, it is time-consuming and may cause undesired side effects. Broadband gamma activity recorded with extraoperative electrocorticography during cognitive tasks may be an alternative to ESM but until now has not proven of definitive clinical value. Considering their role in cognition, the alpha and beta bands could further (...)
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    As naturalistic as it gets: subtitles in the English classroom in Norway.Mila Vulchanova, Lisa M. G. Aurstad, Ingrid E. N. Kvitnes & Hendrik Eshuis - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The effectiveness of nurse‐led telemonitoring of asthma: results of a randomized controlled trial.Danille C. M. Willems, Manuela A. Joore, Johannes J. E. Hendriks, Fred H. M. Nieman, Johan L. Severens & Emiel F. M. Wouters - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):600-609.
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    “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Doctor”: meaningful disagreements with AI in medical contexts.Hendrik Kempt, Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Saskia K. Nagel - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    This paper explores the role and resolution of disagreements between physicians and their diagnostic AI-based decision support systems. With an ever-growing number of applications for these independently operating diagnostic tools, it becomes less and less clear what a physician ought to do in case their diagnosis is in faultless conflict with the results of the DSS. The consequences of such uncertainty can ultimately lead to effects detrimental to the intended purpose of such machines, e.g. by shifting the burden of proof (...)
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    Antigone’s Remainders.Larissa M. Atkison - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (2):219-239.
    This paper reads Antigone from the perspective of the Chorus. Whereas most interpreters read Antigone from the perspective of Creon and Antigone’s respective laws, I maintain that the protagonists represent laws that are distinctly apolitical. Alternatively, I argue that the Chorus make the polis—past, present, and future—the center of their thought and action and are therefore uniquely political. Through close attention to the Chorus’s composition as a body that is both one and many at the same time, and by tracing (...)
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    First-born siblings show better second language skills than later born siblings.Karin Keller, Larissa M. Troesch & Alexander Grob - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Relation between Effortful Control and Language Competence—A Small But Mighty Difference between First and Second Language Learners.Karin Keller, Larissa M. Troesch, Sarah Loher & Alexander Grob - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    L'Etica Prescrittiva Nel Tardo Ellenismo e Il Caso di Filone di Larissa.Francesca Alesse - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):187-204.
    The article, after providing a general survey of prescriptive theories (or theories on rules) in Hellenistic philosophy, tries to offer a detailed analysis of the moral doxography of Philo of Larissa conserved in Stobaeus' Anthology (Stob. Ecl. II 7, 2, pp. 39-40 W.-H. = 25 Wiśniewski, 2 Mette, 32 Brittain). According to this evidence, Philo divided moral philosophy in three parts : hortatory, or protreptic, topos, therapeutic topos, prescriptive topos –; besides, he parted the prescriptive topos into general and (...)
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    Физическое и субъективное: поиски аналогии.E. M. Ivanov - 1997 - Saratov:
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  11. Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics - volume 10, number 2 (2001), pages 165-183.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdes-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):138-138.
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  12. Law-Abiding & Integrity on the Internet: a Case for Agents.M. H. M. Schellekens, J. E. J. Prins, A. Oskamp & F. Brazier - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2).
  13.  18
    Photoluminescence of irradiation induced defects on CR-39.M. F. Zaki & E. K. Elmaghraby - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (23):2945-2951.
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  14. Categorization, typicality, and shape similarity.M. A. Kurbat, E. E. Smith & D. Medin - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 5--20.
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  15.  27
    E.G.H. Pedaliu, Britain, Italy and the Origins of the Cold War.M. E. Guasconi - 2005 - Polis 19 (1):149-150.
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    Women Respond to Racism.M. Papke, E. Manion & J. Visor - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (50):180-187.
  17. Meditation on Berdyaev's "Three Times".E. M. Rowell - 1949 - Hibbert Journal 48:252.
  18.  36
    (1 other version)Critical Theory, Sustainable Development and Populism.E. M. Roe - 1995 - Télos 1995 (103):149-162.
  19. Some Intimations of the Soul's Destiny.E. M. Rowell - 1929 - Hibbert Journal 28:436.
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  20.  12
    A Nazi Interior: Quisling's Hidden Philosophy.E. M. Barth - 2003 - Peter Lang Publishing.
    Vidkun Quisling, who after World War II was executed as a traitor to his country/Norway, offers an unusual opportunity to reach the deepest layers of a Nazi mind-set, for he was also a closet philosopher. Was Quisling a genius, as some revisionists will have it? What did the original Quisling think? How did he think? A Nazi Interior deals with Quisling's own all-embracing philosophy, which he called « Universism. The author identifies Quisling's sources from early Christianity to the twentieth century (...)
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    La Presencia de la filosofía en la Universidad Católica (1888-1973).Luis Celis M. & Jaime Caiceo E. (eds.) - 1982 - Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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    Hall's analysis of "ought".E. M. Adams - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):73-75.
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  23. Philosophy and the Modern Mind.E. M. Adams - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):877-884.
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    Beginning Japanese, Part 2.D. E. M. & Eleanor Harz Jorden - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):488.
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  25. M. Heidegger, "Nietzsche".M. E. Zimmerman - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1/2):96.
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    Vii.--Critical notices.J. E. M'taggart - 1893 - Mind 2 (7):376-383.
  27.  45
    A measure representation theorem for strong partition cardinals.E. M. Kleinberg - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):161-168.
  28. Intracranial ERPs recorded in the infero-temporal cortex dissociate between orientation-dependent” and orientation-invariant” identification of visual objects.M. Vannucci, T. Grunwald, T. Dietl, N. Pezer, C. Helmstaedter, M. P. Viggiano & C. E. Elger - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 72-73.
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    Does Semantic Information Help in the Text Categorization Task? E. Ferretti, M. Errecalde & P. Rosso - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):91-106.
  30. [no title].M. Schleiter & E. de Maaker - unknown
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  31. Grakanutʻyan tesutʻyun.Ēdvard M. Jrbashyan - 1980 - Erevan: Erevani Hamalsarani Hratarakchʻutʻyun.
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  32. Kant's Reply to Hume.M. E. Williams - 1965 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 56 (1):71.
  33. (3 other versions)Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.M. E. Haggerty - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:185.
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  34. (1 other version)The Twentieth Meeting of the American Psychological Association.M. E. Haggerty - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy 9 (7):176.
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  35. A critical discussion of the characteristic properties of list PR and FPTP systems.E. Hout, J. Stecher & H. C. M. de Swart - 2007 - Analyse & Kritik 2:259-268.
  36. Denken des Raums in Zeiten der Globalisierung.E. Uhl & M. Ott (eds.) - 2006 - LIT Verlag.
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    Ought, is, and a game called "promise".E. M. Zemach - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):61-63.
  38.  12
    Instrumento para evaluar la riqueza de la producción creativa en diseño mecánico conceptual.M. E. Valderrey & L. M. Giraud Herrera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-16.
    Se comparten experiencias áulicas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argenti- na. Su objetivo es crear un instrumento para evaluar la riqueza creativa en diseño mecánico, con un método exploratorio y propositivo de validación de instrumentos y pruebas piloto sobre 156 estudiantes. Resultaron de imaginar objetos diversos, compatibles con una vista dada, y definir cinco niveles de riqueza según la canti- dad, diversidad y calidad de respuestas comparadas contra un patrón de soluciones creado por expertos. Se ensayaron cambios de duración, (...)
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    Persons and morality.E. M. Adams - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (3):384-390.
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  40. Experimental Study of Phantom Colours in a Colour Blind Synaesthete.M. Hochel, E. Milan, A. Gonzalez & F. Tornay - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):75-95.
    Synaesthesia is a condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces photisms, i.e. mental percepts of colours. R is a 20 year old colour blind subject who, in addition to the relatively common grapheme-colour synaesthesia, presents a rarely reported cross modal perception in which a variety of visual stimuli elicit aura-like percepts of colour. In R, photisms seem to be closely related to the affective valence of stimuli and (...)
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  41.  15
    Grössen und Grenzen moderner Freiheitsbegriffe - Einführende Bermerkungen zu Axel Honneths “Sphären reziproker Anerkennung”.Morten Raffnsøe-Møller - 2001 - SATS 2 (1).
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    The pragmatic paradox in aesthetics.E. M. Zemach - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (3):215-224.
  43.  51
    Coevolución y Mutualismo: Nociones Conceptuales Coevolution and Mutualism: Conceptual Notions.M. H. Badii, H. Rodríguez, E. Cerna, J. Valenzuela, J. Landeros & Y. Ochoa - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):23-31.
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  44. The Government of the Catholic Church.E. M. Lynskey - 1952
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    Surrogate motherhood regulation in South Africa: Medical and ethico-legal issues in need of reform.M. Labuschaigne, E. Auret & N. Mabeka - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e2482.
    Chapter 19 of the Children’s Act No. 32 of 2005 regulates the practice of surrogate motherhood in South Africa and provides legal certainty regarding the rights of the children born as a result of surrogacy, including the rights of the different parties involved. Despite the clarity regarding the legal consequences of human reproduction by artificial fertilisation of women acting as surrogate mothers, some legal gaps and inconsistencies regarding certain medical and ethico-legal issues remain. The purpose of this article is to (...)
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    Otkryvai︠a︡ Grushina.M. E. Anikina & V. M. Khrulʹ (eds.) - 2010 - Moskva: MGU.
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  47. J. M. Baldwin, Handbook of Psychology: Feeling and Will.M. E. Lowndes - 1892 - Mind 1:272.
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  48. Loman, MM, B15.E. Blair, W. C. Chiang, L. Cosmides, C. Drake, J. Evans, L. Fiddick, A. Frankenfield, S. J. Handley, M. R. Jones & D. G. Kemler Nelson - 2000 - Cognition 77:289.
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  49. Bildnis des Zivilisationsmenschen.E. M. Cioran - 1985 - In Thure von Uexküll & Hans Geigenmüller, Das Menschenbild der Gegenwart. St. Gallen: Erker.
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    Earl Mac Cormac’s Cognitive Theory of Metaphor.E. M. Adams - 1988 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):1-7.
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